Quality material handling equipment can increase productivity in your warehouse, but it can’t increase your workspace. If you’re not prepared to move to a new facility or make costly renovations to your present one, use these creative ideas to save space in your existing warehouse.
Add Over-Aisle and Over-Dock Storage
Installing beams over cross-aisles provides additional room for pallets. Over-dock storage is often used for cardboard boxes, stretch wrap and other supplies. Be sure to look for a racking system with high impact resistance to guard against the effects of forklift traffic.
Use Vertical Space
Raise the height of your racking system, either by purchasing taller uprights or attaching extensions to the current ones. You might also consider a mezzanine for holding slow-moving items.
Change Beam Levels
Compare pallet dimensions to beam spacing. If there’s more room than you actually need for pallet lift-off, you can gain space by realigning the levels.
Change Storage Mediums
Regardless of the items that are stored in your warehouse, not all of them move at the same frequency or in the same quantities. Review the inventory and incorporate storage mediums that are best suited to different categories of items.
Maximize Slotting Systems
Slotting software can help you create a system that maximizes storage space and minimizes congestion. As an added benefit, a more efficient slotting system reduces travel time by workers, resulting in greater productivity.
Material Handling Equipment for All Applications
No matter how big or small your warehouse is, battery-powered material handling equipment from DJ Products enables streamlined day-to-day operations and greatly reduces risk of workplace injuries. Our friendly sales engineers are standing by to help you find the right solution for your warehouse.
Call 800.686.2651 for more information.