Tips for Starting a Recycling Program at Work
Tips for Starting a Recycling Program at Work

Starting a recycling program at work is much easier than most people realize. To get things going, you should first have an understanding of the trash your company currently generates. While you are evaluating your company’s garbage and disposal process, it’s a great time to talk to the pros at DJ Products about how their dumpster moving products can save your company time and money.

You can maximize manpower and avoid many common workplace injuries with our energy-efficient and easily-maneuvered cart tuggers.

Build an enthusiastic team

A company recycling program is a great thing that many employees will gladly support. You probably already have several environmentally-conscious people with knowledge about things like the best recycling bins the local recycling haulers use. These people will gladly research the many benefits of your recycling program and get other employees excited about participating.

Help them create a plan

Your plan should start with the program’s objectives and include ways to reduce overall waste. Deciding what materials can and should be recycled is not simple. You will need a thorough waste assessment of what is currently being thrown out and in what quantities.

A good recycling program can establish your company as a community leader in responsible waste management. Once your recycling program is underway, celebrate the accomplishment and show your gratitude to the people who made it happen.

Your employees and team members are crucial to your company’s success. Another way you can show you appreciate the hard work they do daily is to provide them with economical dumpster moving equipment. Our products can help prevent many common workers comp claims.

Contact a DJ Products sales engineer today to discuss which waste container movers are best for your company and your recycling program.