Our powered trailer dolly improves safety in warehouse and distribution center yards. Now you can reduce risk for your drivers when they’re on the road with video intelligence systems.
Capturing Real-Time Data on the Road
Did you know that three-quarters of accidents involving cars and semi-trucks are not the fault of the truck driver? Unfortunately, conventional wisdom tends to blame the truck, especially in the absence of solid evidence.
A Minnesota-based company called PeopleNet is hoping to change that. In 2016, PeopleNet launched their Video Intelligence system, which combines forward-, side- and rear-facing cameras to capture a near-360° view around a truck.
In addition to visual data, Video Intelligence captures real-time information, including truck speed and GPS location, for a comprehensive picture of any road incident. This “testimony” is free of any conscious or subconscious bias that can accompany versions related by the participants.
A Constantly Evolving System
Video Intelligence moves beyond the traditional concept of using driver-facing cameras that record an incomplete story. According to Jim Angel, PeopleNet’s Vice President of Video Intelligence Solutions, the company is continually using customer feedback to update and improve the system.
Here are some of the enhancements added just in the first year:
– Executive Summary Dashboards that provide a high-level overview
– A Snapshot feature that offers real-time views of cameras on a specific truck to back office personnel
– Expanded filtering options to identify driver trends
The Electric Yard Dog from DJ Products
Increase productivity and avoid the expense of outside shunting services with our powered trailer dolly. With the TrailerCaddy, a single employee can easily move trailers weighing up to 100,000 pounds.
Visit our website and use the convenient on-line chat system for real-time assistance from our sales engineers.