DJ Products offers you material handling solutions that give the opportunity to improve work functions for your employees. And since we know that having employees who are working proficiently and avoiding injury is exactly what you need, we also offer some things to make it easier to complete the work your work as well.
Our Ergonomic Load Calculator is designed to assist the Ergonomist, Safety and Health Specialist, and other professionals interested in improving health and safety practices in their workplace. Perhaps in the past you “guesstimated” what it would take to move certain loads or you relied on previous data. While there is nothing wrong with relying on experience, it also helps to update figures and make certain that you are calculating based on current needs. Conditions may have changed since last you checked or you may have assigned new employees to certain tasks and you need to be certain they will able to complete the work.
The calculator is designed to estimate the amount of horizontal force necessary to move loads (on wheels) using inputs from particular workplace environments. These forces are those required to move loaded carts, castered equipment or machinery on wheels, or product being propelled down an assembly line. The calculator will combine conditions related to the state of the “vehicle health”, floor condition, terrain and footing as well as the weight of the load being moved in estimating these forces.
If you do not have the resources to call in a consultant to help you, you can use a tool like our Ergonomic Load Calculator to make your workplace safer.