CarCaddy and TruckCaddy solutions take the manual work out of relocating inoperable vehicles. Here are three reasons to consider a battery-powered vehicle moving solution.

Prevent Employee Injury

Employees at auto repair shops, vehicle testing facilities and dealerships often push vehicles by hand; sometimes several times a day. This repeated manual exertion can result in back, neck or shoulder injury and pain. To keep your employees safe, consider investing in a CarCaddy or TruckCaddy vehicle moving solution.

Boost Your Business’s Efficiency

Utilizing multiple people to manually push an inoperable vehicle is not only unsafe, but inefficient. A battery-powered CarCaddy or TruckCaddy allows one person to easily relocate a car or truck. In turn, this allows other employees to take care of other tasks, thus streamlining your business’s operation.

Options to Fit Your Needs

Whether you relocate light vehicles under 5,000 lbs. or heavy trucks up to 50,000 lbs., we have a solution to fit your needs. Check out the video below to see the CarCaddy & TruckCaddy units in action! Don’t hesitate to reach out to a sales engineer at 1-800-686-2651 for more information.[recent_posts style=”slider_multiple_visible” category=”pushing-cars-and-trucks” columns=”1″ button_color=”Accent-Color” hover_shadow_type=”default” order=”DESC” orderby=”date”]