Futuristic Warehouse Depiction
The Future of Warehousing

Advancements in technology are leading to new and improved ways to automate warehouse processes and tasks. From the way fleets are managed to the way picking and packing is done, automation is making big strides in the industry. Using automation can help warehouse owners and managers increase productivity, boost safety, and fulfill orders more quickly and efficiently.

Keep in mind that investing in motorized solutions, such as an electric trailer dolly, and making use of automation tools can benefit warehouses even more. Learning about the latest automation trends can help you determine if your warehouse is ready.

Wireless Fleet Management

More and more warehouses are depending on wireless fleet management using the latest technological tools. Some of these systems use Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to manage warehouse vehicles. This kind of technology can provide real-time monitoring for safety purposes and detailed analytics for cost savings.

AI and IoT Analytics

The combined use of artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT analytics can help warehouses improve the way data is collected and analyzed. This helps provide more accurate predictive analytics for the purpose of improving logistics.

Mobile Robots

Some warehouses are already using robots to handle stationary tasks, such as sorting or inspecting items. Robots have also been handling picking and packing, which has helped speed up order fulfillment. Mobile robots, such as automated guided vehicles, are becoming more common in warehouses. These automated robots are able to handle multiple kinds of tasks with minimal training. In some cases, warehouses retrofit traditional forklifts for automated purposes during busy seasons. Afterwards, they restore forklifts to their traditional use.

Motorized Solutions

While automation can be beneficial, retrofitting forklifts and changing them back is a time-consuming task. Warehouse owners can instead invest in an electric or motorized trailer dolly. This type of dolly is safe and simple to operate and doesn’t require operators to have a special license. These trailer dollies can go a long way toward boosting operations in your warehouse.

If you’re interested in buying an electric trailer dolly to improve warehouse safety and productivity, please contact DJ Products. Our team can assist you in finding the right solution for your warehouse.