Warehouse truck works
The Smart Warehouse via the IoT is Coming

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been described for years as an emerging technology, so when will using it become universally accepted? Nobody will hoist a banner announcing the official victory for the IoT. You wouldn’t delay purchasing a piece of automation equipment like warehouse tugs, so why wait to add innovative technology?

The technology and devices of the IoT are already here. Warehouses should go ahead and embrace it.

Benefits of Warehouse IoT

David Akka recently detailed for Magic Software why warehouse IoT should be embraced just like other recent technology such as mobile apps. Customer-facing apps serve the dual purpose of benefiting the user experience and increasing sales through engagement. Similarly, the IoT has benefits for customers and warehouse management:

  • Capitalize on Big Data analytics
  • Smart barcodes for shipping and receiving
  • Plan for “burst capacity” and short-term extra storage
  • Enable warehousing as a service for third parties
  • Propagate changes to sales, customer data, shipping statuses, etc.

Embracing New Technology in the Warehouse

Sometimes waiting to implement new technology can be wise, especially if your customers or clients are unfamiliar with it. However, people already use the IoT at home and work. Shift to IoT integration, and your warehouse staff and customers will be quick to leverage it for a better experience.

Ultimately, the IoT represents just another important step in the warehouse automation trend. Automated equipment like warehouse tugs for your staff and smart technology of the IoT for your devices can drastically reduce costs and stay ahead of the game.

Find out more about warehouse tugs and other warehouse materials handling equipment from DJ Products.