Our Productivity and Management Tips for Warehouse Managers
Our Productivity and Management Tips for Warehouse Managers

DJ Products is more than just your preferred material handling equipment supplier. We’re your source for the latest information and tips on warehouse management solutions.

Here are more ideas from experts on how to improve operations and maximize productivity.

Eliminate Dead Spots

Warehouse space is valuable. Use an asset tracking system to monitor how often items are picked. If an product is rarely picked, move it to drop-shipping and put a higher-turning item in the slot.

Streamline the Returns Process

Handling returns is one of the more cumbersome processes in a warehouse. Automate the procedure with a specialized returns system such as a warehouse management system (WMS).

Control Freight Costs

Many people accept freight charges as the cost of doing business, but few elements eat into profits as quickly. Talk to an experienced consultant who can offer helpful advice on negotiating better rates.

Re-Slot Pick Positions as Needed

Changing slot positions may seem inefficient, but it’s actually the opposite. Business is constantly changing, and your strategies need to change with it. Keeping items slotted correctly lets your employees make better use of their time.

Make Safety a Top Priority

Manpower is your greatest asset. Use industry safety regulations as a starting point, not an ending point. You should constantly be looking for ways to implement better safety practices.

Save Time and Money with Material Handling Solutions from DJ Products

Our battery-powered tugs, pushers and movers pay multiple dividends for warehouse efficiency. They let your employees accomplish more in less time while avoiding workplace injuries.

Visit our website and use the real-time chat feature for assistance from our friendly sales engineers. They’re one of the reasons why DJ Products is your first choice for a material handling equipment supplier.