How much do you know about what happens to waste once it’s transferred to pick-up with your dumpster moving equipment? Out of 258 million tons of solid waste produced in the United States each year, roughly one-third is recycled while the rest goes to landfills.
Unfortunately, land is a non-renewable resource and the country’s 2,000 landfills are running out of space. How did we reach this point, and what can we do to solve the problem?
An Industry in Crisis
Experts point to two significant factors contributing to dwindling landfill space.
– The amount of waste generated in the U.S., is already the highest in the world, and has been increasing over the last few years.
– China, which once accepted one-sixth of our country’s recyclable material, enacted strict bans at the beginning of 2018. As a result, waste companies have been forced to deposit the spillover in landfills.
According to a report from the Solid Waste Environmental Excellence Protocol (SWEEP), U.S. landfills are projected to reach capacity within 18 years. The situation is particularly dire in the Northeast, while landfills in the West are in slightly better shape.
Solving the Landfill Problem
– Data from the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) indicates the U.S. currently produces energy by burning 33 million tons of waste per year. That number could rise, but the tradeoff in pollution may be unacceptable.
– More landfills could be created, but the process takes time and often meets resistance from local communities.
– Regulators, manufacturers and consumers can band together to develop more sustainable packaging and be proactive with waste-reduction activities.
Eco-Friendly Dumpster Moving Equipment from DJ Products
Our dumpster moving equipment is designed to make waste removal easier and reduce risk of workplace injuries. Contact us today for more information.