Is your hotel seeing the amount of revenue growth you were anticipating in 2018? Our hotel supply movement carts are valuable for improving room turnaround times, but there are other important factors that affect occupancy and average daily rate (ADR) increases.
What steps can you take to raise the bottom line? Here are four current trends you can leverage to positively impact your hotel’s profitability.
Resort Fees
While resort fees have long been a standard practice in destinations such as Las Vegas, hotels in urban markets have only recently begun introducing them at their facilities. Resort fees aren’t subject to occupancy tax, which makes them a good way to gain additional revenue without raising room rates.
Labor Costs
The rising costs of benefits, particularly healthcare insurance, are in turn making labor increasingly expensive. Forecasts and budgets have to be drawn up carefully to accommodate these ongoing changes.
Operators are also taking a closer look at labor-intensive amenities that may cost more than they’re worth. For example, some hotels now provide turndown service on request as opposed to an automatic feature.
Guest Experience
Hotels often remodel during upswings in anticipation of the next downward turn in the cycle. When properties are all comparable in terms of updated decor and facilities, customer service and the overall guest experience become the best ways to set yourself apart from the competition.
Business Travel
As companies across the board look for ways to become more profitable, business travel becomes an expense to cut back or eliminate altogether.
Boost Productivity with Hotel Supply Movement Carts from DJ Products
We offer a wide range of hotel supply movement carts that let your staff perform housekeeping tasks safer and more efficiently. Visit our website for more information.