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What’s In Store for the “Smart” Warehouse of the Future?

, What’s In Store for the “Smart” Warehouse of the Future?

The Smart Warehouse is Here!

Technology has been making inanimate objects like cell phones and appliances “smart,” and warehouses are part of the revolution. Companies who embrace the concept of smart warehouses today will reap the benefits of increased profitability in the future.

Robotics and Automation

For some time now, production and assembly tasks have been shifted to automated warehouse equipment, but some companies like Amazon are pushing the envelope and using machines for packing, shipping and other fulfillment services.

Customer Relationship Management

Customers certainly benefit from the improved accuracy and faster ship times that result from automation, and many companies are adopting chatbots to handle the initial order process and basic troubleshooting. But the personal touch hasn’t been eliminated altogether, as human intervention is still needed to solve more complex issues.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT is what allows you to shop and place orders from such diverse means as a smart phone and touch-screen kiosks. Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is the technology that’s creating self-contained automation, such as self-driving forklifts and order picking robots.

Seasonal Functionality

In the past, employees were forced to deal with seasonal workflows on top of normal day-to-day operations, which often meant sacrificing efficiency. Smart warehouses are better equipped to handle seasonal inventory without interrupting regular operations.

Material Handling Solutions for Smart Warehouses

Smart warehouses call for smart solutions to move heavy warehouse equipment safely and efficiently. DJ Products has a full line of electric tugs, pushers and movers to fit any application. Visit our website or call 800.686.2651 to learn more from our friendly sales engineers.

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