June 1, 2017 – Minneapolis, MN – WinnCompanies, the nation’s fifth largest multi-family property management company, announced today that they have successfully completed field testing for the WasteCaddy Dumpster mover, and that the company considers the use of WasteCaddy to be best practice for safety.

“The WasteCaddy has proven to be a valuable tool in reducing the risk of injury for our maintenance employees.” said John Tarrant, Vice President of Procurement & Sustainability at WinnCompanies. “The feedback we have received from the properties using the WasteCaddy to move trash dumpsters has been overwhelmingly positive.”

WinnCompanies have a strong commitment to employee safety, and the battery-powered WasteCaddy will become part of WinnCompanies industry-recognized “WinnSafe” program.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to work with WinnCompanies.” said Jeff Berg, President of DJ Products, manufacturer of the WasteCaddy. “The trash room is the most dangerous area in a multi-family property, and this product continues to prove itself as a best practice for eliminating injuries in the trash room.” Jeff went on to say that in order to reduce risk, a number of leading property management companies have modified their trash room policy to state that at least two employees are required to move dumpsters, empty or full. “The challenge here is that while requiring two employees is certain to reduce injuries, it has a negative impact on maintenance staff efficiency. The WasteCaddy allows one employee or any age, size or gender to efficiently move dumpsters by themselves. It is a huge boost to efficiency.”

DJ Products will be exhibiting at the National Apartment Association Show in Atlanta in June 21 to 24.

About WinnCompanies WinnCompanies is an award-winning national property development and management company dedicated to the highest standards of excellence. WinnCompanies acquires, develops and manages affordable, senior, mixed-income, market-rate, military and commercial properties through its three divisions: WinnDevelopment, WinnResidential and WinnMilitary. Founded in 1971 and now operating in 22 states and the District of Columbia, WinnCompanies is the fifth largest multi-family housing manager, the largest manager of affordable housing, and the second largest manager military housing in the United States.

About DJ Products

DJ Products markets and manufactures battery powered tugs and pushers that move heavy loads on wheels. For more information about the WasteCaddy dumpster mover or any of DJ Products other equipment, visit them at www.djproducts.com or call 1-800-686-2651.