Military & DOD Solutions

We carry a special industrial line of powered movers and carts for heavy-duty use some with remote control use. Find our products on the General Services Administration (GSA) procurement list at your facility. Applications for use include:

  1. Moving aircraft maintenance stands at Air Force bases with our CartCaddy5WP HD cart mover
  2. Maneuvering equipment trailers in and around a maintenance shop with our TrailerCaddy trailer puller
  3. Relocating aircraft and helicopters in and out of hangars at an Air Force base with our AircraftCaddy tuggers
  4. Distribution and jockeying heavy boats at a coast guard facility with our TrailerCaddy trailer mover
  5. Carrying heavy missiles for reconditioning purposes at an army base with our WagonCaddyHD
  6. Removal of explosive materials at screening stations with our BombCaddy
  7. Pushing stalled vehicles at border crossing stations with our CarCaddy and TruckCaddy
  8. Pulling heavy engine and body parts for UAFs at a naval base with our CartCaddyShorty
  9. Pushing heavy refueling tanks on a Navy aircraft carrier with our CartCaddy WagonWheel
  10. Pulling highway traffic signs in road construction zones with our TrailerCaddy
  11. Pushing and pulling military trucks and trailers through a warehouse for reconditioning with our TruckCaddy and TrailerCaddy