We carry a special industrial line of powered movers and carts for heavy-duty use some with remote control use. Find our products on the General Services Administration (GSA) procurement list at your facility. Applications for use include:
- Moving aircraft maintenance stands at Air Force bases with our CartCaddy5WP HD cart mover
- Maneuvering equipment trailers in and around a maintenance shop with our TrailerCaddy trailer puller
- Relocating aircraft and helicopters in and out of hangars at an Air Force base with our AircraftCaddy tuggers
- Distribution and jockeying heavy boats at a coast guard facility with our TrailerCaddy trailer mover
- Carrying heavy missiles for reconditioning purposes at an army base with our WagonCaddyHD
- Removal of explosive materials at screening stations with our BombCaddy
- Pushing stalled vehicles at border crossing stations with our CarCaddy and TruckCaddy
- Pulling heavy engine and body parts for UAFs at a naval base with our CartCaddyShorty
- Pushing heavy refueling tanks on a Navy aircraft carrier with our CartCaddy WagonWheel
- Pulling highway traffic signs in road construction zones with our TrailerCaddy
- Pushing and pulling military trucks and trailers through a warehouse for reconditioning with our TruckCaddy and TrailerCaddy