The CartCaddy5WP is designed for pulling, pushing, and manuvering carts and wheeled equipment with 2 straight back wheels and 2 swivel front casters. The CC5WP grab’s the front swivel castered side of the cart with a custom steel attachment generally designed by one of our applications engineer. The steel attachment bolts to an electric lift kit that raises and lowers this attachment. This raising and lowering motion has two benefits: One, it allows the operator to easilty and quickly connect to their cart. And two, it transfers weight from the cart to the CartCaddydrive tires for extra traction needed in moving heavier loads. These carts typically range in weight from 3,000 lbs to 10,000 lbs. Most commonly, the application for the CartCaddy5WP cart mover includes the cart with two front swivel casters and two rear straight casters. The CartCaddy5WP tug attaches to the swivel caster end and provides the power necessary to easily turn and maneuver. These carts can carry a variety of items, but regardless of the parts or equipment being moved, our motorized tug has the power to push or pull almost any heavy cart.
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